Using the Library

Learn about lending, library cards and material donations

Library Lending Policies

Books, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks and CDs can be checked out for 2 weeks. Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan are due in accordance with the lending library’s stated due date.


The Sterling Public Library does not charge overdue fines on items in our regular collections. If an item is lost or damaged, we will charge the cost of the item plus $1.50 processing fee. If an item is more than 28 days overdue AND we have purchased a replacement item, we will still charge the lost item fee regardless if it is returned.

Number of items

At any one time, patrons may check out:

  • 20 Books
  • 4 Audiobooks
  • 5 Magazines
  • 4 CDs
  • 2 DVDs

Library Cards

Sterling Residents

Individuals who live within the Sterling City limits pay for library service through real estate taxes. Resident cards are free and can be issued to any family member living in the household as long as the person can write his/her name. Proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, tax bill, etc.) is required. Resident cards are valid for 2 years.

Individuals who live outside the Sterling City limits, yet own property within the city limits may receive a free library card provided he/she supplies the library with a copy of a current, paid tax receipt showing library taxes. This type of card is valid for 1 year.


Individuals who live outside the city limits and inside Sterling Unit 5 school district may purchase a library card for a fee. Once paid, each individual within the non-resident’s household is entitled to a library card. Non-resident cards are valid for 1 year. Resident and non-resident cards may be used at the Dixon Public Library and the Rock Falls Public Library.

Non-resident Digital Cards

Individuals who live outside the city limits and inside Sterling Unit 5 school district may purchase a card for a lower fee that may only be used with our digital resources.

Internet Cards

Individuals who live outside the Sterling City limits may obtain a free internet card. Internet cardholders can use the Sterling Public Library’s public internet computers for a maximum 60 minutes per day.

Reciprocal Cards

Individuals with a valid library card from any of the public libraries in Illinois can register their card with the Sterling Public Library for circulation privileges.

Donation of Materials

The Sterling Public Library is happy to accept donations of materials. Materials will be added to the collection when appropriate. If not, the material may be donated to another institution or offered at the library’s book sale. Proceeds are used to purchase new materials for the library.

Books, DVDS, CDS and audiobooks must have a release date within the last 5 years. We do not accept VHS or cassette tapes, Reader’s Digest books, textbooks, dictionaries or encyclopedias.

All donations are tax deductible. A receipt is available upon request but please note that the library staff cannot assess the value of your gift.

The only thing that you absolutely have to know
is the location of the library.

Albert Einstein

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