Banned Book Bingo
We’re holding a Bingo event at the library on Saturday March, 8. We’re requiring registration for the event and a $1 registration fee. We will have a lot of prizes ranging from gift cards to great books and more. Sign up at the Adult Circulation Desk at the Sterling Public Library or at the link below before space runs out.
Regular Yearlong Programs
A.R.K.S. Book Club (Adults Reading Kid’s Stuff)

Join us at the library to discuss children’s books with other adults who enjoy children’s books! This meeting will be held monthly on the last Tuesday of each month, 5-6pm. If you have any questions, please call the library or reach out to Abbigail ([email protected])
Mixed Genre Adult Book Clubs
Our two adult book clubs meet the second Monday of each month at 5:45pm and the second Friday of each month at 10am. Check the program calendar entry for the date of the book club to see what book will be discussed for that month and other info. Or email Ben or Beth at the library.
[email protected] [email protected]

Book Subscription Boxes
Let our library staff select your next read! When you sign up for the SPL Book Subscription Box, you will receive one book each month selected by qualified staff to support your reading goals and interests. The box will also include additional fun freebies that might go along with the theme of your book, the current season, or things you like. Click here for more information about the book subscription boxes.

Teen Game Night
All teens ages 6th grade – 12th grade are invited for games, snacks, and discussion. These are held on the second Tuesday of most months from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the library. No registration required.

Monthly Craft
On the Third Monday of every month we invite you to join us for craft time. Check the web calendar to see what craft we will be working on.

Role Playing Game Club
Meets most Mondays from 3:30 – 7:30 pm. Call us or contact Drew at [email protected] for more info.

Writer’s Group
Are you an aspiring author? Poet? Playwright? Do you need some feedback? Helpful critique? Encouragement?
The Sterling Public Library is hosting a writer’s group every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10 am to noon. Come prepared to share some of your work and get helpful feedback.
Are you afraid to share your work? Afraid that you will be judged or find out you aren’t any good? Then you’re in good company because so are all of the other writer’s attending. Be brave. Put your words out there. We’re here to help you do it.

Knitting with Hani
Do you knit or crochet? Want some company?
Drop in to join others like you who want to knit and crochet and chat. Join us the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 5:30-6:30pm. Bring your current project (or one you want to try) and meet us at the top of the curved stairs. We can help each other with tips and tricks!