Week of Events
Preschool Storytime
Preschool Storytime
Join us for Preschool Storytime every Monday morning at 10am! We will read books, sing songs and rhymes, and do activities. This program is geared towards children 2-6 years old, but all are welcome.
Role Playing Game Club
Role Playing Game Club
Join Mike to play! They meet each Monday from 3:30-7:30 in the Sterling Public Library's conference room. This is open to anyone 13 years or older. Feel free to email Mike at [email protected] with any questions.
Knitting with Hani
Knitting with Hani
Do you knit or crochet? Want some company? Drop in to join others like you who want to knit and crochet and chat. Join us the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 5:30-6:30pm. Bring your current project (or one you want to try) and meet us at the top of the curved stairs. We […]
Monthly Craft: Valentine’s Day Cards
Monthly Craft: Valentine’s Day Cards
"Will you be my Valentine?" You might want to give your valentine a card when you ask them that question. So come to the library and make a card or cards for those you care about to give them on valentine's day. We'll provide all the supplies for you, but we need a head count […]
Monday Book Club
Monday Book Club
February 10: The Violin Conspiracy by Brenden Slocumb This is a mixed genre book club for adults. It meets the second Monday of each month. The library will obtain copies for members to check out. These will be available two weeks before the meeting (or earlier). If you do not have a library card, you […]
Job Search Workshop
Job Search Workshop
Representatives from Business Employment Skills Team, Inc. (BEST, Inc.) and Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) will be on hand to share information and resources for area job seekers. This workshop is free of charge and open to the public. Topics include: Resume writing, how to update your resume, interviewing, completing applications, effective ways to […]
Teen Game Night
Teen Game Night
All 6th - 12 graders are welcome to join us for games, snacks, and discussion. No registration required, just show up to the conference room!
Writer’s Group
Writer’s Group
The Sterling Public Library is hosting a writer's group every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10 am to noon. Come prepared to share some of your work and get helpful feedback. Please limit what you would like to share to what you can read out loud in 10-15 minutes. This is a […]
Toddler Time
Toddler Time
Join us for Toddler Time every Friday morning at 10am! We will read books, sing songs and rhymes, and have time for free play with toddler-friendly toys at the end of the program. Toddler Time is best attended with a parent or caregiver who wants to participate in the songs, rhymes, and lapsit songs. This […]
Friday Book Club
Friday Book Club
February 14: Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese This is a mixed genre book club for adults. It meets the second Friday of each month. The library will obtain copies for members to check out. These will be available two weeks before the meeting (or earlier). If you do not have a library card, you […]
Lego Club
Lego Club
Come to the library and build whatever you like with Legos! Lego Club is on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Please register for Lego Club by calling the library or stopping by the children's desk. This program is intended for school-age children.