Pokémon Day
Join us on Saturday, February 22, from 9:30am-12:30pm to play the Pokémon trading card game, enter the raffle, and do lots of Pokémon games and activities!
Regular Yearlong Programs
Kids Advisory Board (KAB)
Join us for Kids’ Advisory Board (KAB) on the last Monday of each month at 5-6pm! This group is for patrons in 3rd-8th grade. During our meetings we will come up with ideas for library events, take suggestions for books for the library to purchase, help with library projects, eat snacks, play games, and hang out with other kids who love the library! If you cannot make the meetings, please let Abbigail know if you have any ideas for the above topics or if you have suggestions for anything else!

Pokémon Club
Join us on the third Tuesday of the month at 5-6pm for Pokémon Club! We will trade cards, battle other kids, do crafts, and talk all things Pokémon! This program is open to all ages. Feel free to bring your own Pokémon cards to trade and share, but the library will also provide cards for playing the card game. Registration is encouraged but not required; please register by stopping at the children’s desk or calling the library.

SPL Bookworm Bags
When you sign up for this program, your child will receive two picture books based on a certain theme, one brand-new book based on your children’s interests, and a handful of goodies that will vary over time (such as coloring sheets, stickers, crafts, candy, and more). These bags will also include “The Bookworm Bugle” with information about the following month’s theme, upcoming children’s programs, and early literacy practices. If you would like to sign up for this program, please fill out this form. If you have any questions please contact the Abbigail at [email protected] or by calling the library.
Anyone with a library card from Sterling Public Library, Rock Falls Public Library, Dixon Public Library, Milledgeville Public Library, and the local schools may participate in this program, but we ask that the Bookworm Bags are picked up at and returned to the Sterling Public Library.

Preschool Storytime
Join Ms. Abbigail for storytime every Monday morning from 10-10:30am. We will sing songs and rhymes, read books, play games, and make a craft or do another activity. These storytimes are geared toward children ages 2-6 years old, but all ages are welcome. We will have chairs available for the adults accompanying children, and adults are welcome and encouraged to participate in the songs and rhymes with their children.
Toddler Time
Every Friday at 10am we will have a storytime for children ages 0-2 years old and their caregivers (all ages are welcome). We will read books, sing songs and rhymes, and have time for free play with toddler-friendly toys at the end of the program. Toddler Time is best attended with a parent or caregiver who wants to participate in the songs, rhymes, and lapsit activities.

Lego Club
Our library volunteer Don runs our Lego club on the first and third Saturday of each month from 10-11am during the school year from September to May. This program is for school-aged children, and registration is required. You can register by calling the library, stopping by the children’s desk or filling out the form below. Participants get to create whatever they like, and at the end of each Lego Club meeting, participants display their creations in the display case in the children’s area until the next meeting.
First Friday Fun
On the first Friday of each month (excluding May and August), we will have a new take home craft bag while supplies last and a new in-person activity available for the entire month. Some past examples of take home crafts include tissue paper flowers, bead pumpkins, and yarn butterflies. Some examples of in-person activities include different types of scavenger hunts, I Spy activities in our glass display case, and voting on our favorite things with pom poms.
Past Programs
In addition to our regular programs, we try to have various special programs throughout the year. Some of our past programs include reading with therapy dogs, upcycling crafts for Earth Day, Star Wars bingo for Superhero and Star Wars Day, a birthday party for the Sterling Public Library, live animals from Hoo Haven, take home craft bags, virtual author visits, reading scary stories to older kids in October, stuffed animal sleepovers, and more.
If you ever have any questions about programs or suggestions for new programs, please reach out to Abbigail at [email protected], call the library at 815-625-1370, or fill out our patron feedback form. We love to hear your recommendations and provide events that the public would enjoy. Thank you!